College can be one of the most important times in a person’s life. A degree alone, however, is usually not enough to secure your first full-time job post graduation. It is very important that your resume at graduation is full of actual work experience. The best thing any student can do while in school is to complete an internship and/or work a part-time job. This way, employers can see that you, the potential employee, actually have the skills to make it in the workforce.
Whether you are looking for a part-time job while in school, or looking for a job after graduation, finding a good job can be challenging. If you are lucky enough to be called in for an interview, it is your opportunity to show a potential employer that you are the perfect person for the job. Making a careless mistake can cost you everything.
Here are some tips to help you prepare for a successful job interview.
Decide what you will wear. It is important to dress professionally for a job interview. (No jeans, tee-shirts, strapless shirts, or sneakers). Even if the job doesn’t require professional dress, it is good to dress that way for an interview to make a good first impression.
Gather three to five references and have them prepared to give to the hiring manager. Sometimes having a good reference can mean the difference between getting the job or not. You will need the name, job title, telephone number, and email address of each reference.
The best references come from former managers at your last job(s) who can speak about your abilities and your work ethic. If you have never had a job, a professor or school counselor could be a reference.
Check out Featured Scholarships -- another way to pay for school.
Also, print out a copy of your resume to take with you to the interview. Even if you have applied online and uploaded your resume, it’s good to have a hard copy with you.
Research the company that you are interviewing with. Study their website to learn more about the company. Come up with at least three thoughtful questions that you can ask the interviewer during your interview.
Practice for your actual interview. On the internet, look up the types of questions generally asked at interviews, and then have someone quiz you in a mock interview. Sometimes the more you interview the better you get at it. Having an idea of how you will answer tough questions may put you in a better position.
Prepare a thank you note. After your interview is over you will want to get a thank you note sent out as soon as possible. If you already know the name of the person you are interviewing with you can prepare the thank you note ahead of time. Also, in an effort to save time and paper, some people email their thank you notes.
Ask for the business card of the person interviewing you before you leave the interview. This way you will have their email address and can send the thank you email as soon as you get to a computer.
If you follow these tips you will be prepared to not only have a good interview, but to get the job!
What do you do to prepare for an interview?
Five Ways to Prepare for a Successful Job Interview

Prepare for your interview with these five steps from Kizzy.