Divers Alert Network Research Internship Program
Divers Alert Network
Divers Alert Network
awards available
The Divers Alert Network Research Internship Program is available to undergraduate students, medical students and recent graduates (within one year) who are interested in diving medical research. You must be at least 20 years old as of June 1 of the current year, be a certified S.C.U.B.A. diver, and be interested in science research and education. This internship will train you to collect dive profile data for Project Dive Exploration and provide you with an experience in dive safety research. The program consists of one week of training at DAN headquarters and Duke University, followed by an 8-10 week residency at a host facility. DAN will cover room, board and related expenses, provide a monthly stipend and offer academic credit. You must also submit an essay and three letters of recommendation along with your application.
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