Women's Independence Scholarship
Women's Independence Scholarship Program, Inc.
The Women's Independence Scholarship is open to those who identify as a female survivor of intimate partner abuse. You must be physically separated from your abuser for a minimum of one year but not more than ten, be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, have applied to or been accepted to an accredited U.S. institution, and have sought services from a non-profit agency that provides services to survivors of intimate partner abuse for a minimum of 6 consecutive months in order to be considered for this award. Selection is also based on a demonstrated critical need for financial assistance, a strong desire and the ability to complete a training and/or academic program, and have a definite plan to use the desired training to upgrade skills for career advancement, to train for a new career field, or to enter or reenter the job market. Preference is give to returning WISP students, single mothers with young children, students seeking their first undergraduate degree, and students in vocational or technical programs.
Visit the provider's website to get more information and apply:
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