National Personal Training Institute Winter Park Fl
Orlando, FL
University Website: Online:
The National Personal Training Institute is a school that provides students with the education and training to become certified personal trainers. It is a 500 or 600 hour-long program that can be completed within 4, 6 or 12 months. The course covers roughly 100 hours of exercise program design, 100 hours of nutrition, 100 hours of anatomy and physiology, and 200 hours of practical experience. A part of each day is spent in a classroom setting learning the academic information and the remainder of each day is spent in a gym setting learning the practical aspects of personal training and actually working out.
The school is approved by the Department of Education in the states that they operate in. The school was founded by Gene McIlvaine in April 2001 with four schools; there are currently over 30 schools nationwide. The headquarters is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Upon graduation students receive a diploma in personal training that does not expire, with the title of CPT (Certified Personal Trainer), they are Certified in Basic Nutrition, and they are certified in CPR/AED and First Aid. Successful completion of the class also makes a student eligible to take the National Academy of Sports Medicine Certification. The National Personal Training Institute expanded to Toronto, Canada in 2011. Ten NPTI school locations now offer federal financial aid.
* Description and images provided by Wikipedia under CC-BY-SA 3.0 license .
National Personal Training Institute College Scholarships
Hoyt-Jolley Foundation ScholarshipAlpha Delta Pi Foundation, Inc. |
award Up to $5,000 |
deadline March 03, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Hoyt- Jolley Foundation Scholarship is available to members of an Alpha Delta Pi chapter in Florida or Georgia. View Scholarship Details |
Leighton M. Ballew Directing AwardSoutheastern Theatre Conference, Inc. |
award $2,500 |
deadline April 15, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Leighton M. Ballew Directing Award is available to students pursuing graduate study in directing. You must be graduating from an institution in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia to be eligible for this award. You must provide a personal letter, resume and... View Scholarship Details |
Robert Porterfield AwardSoutheastern Theatre Conference, Inc. |
award $2,000 |
deadline April 15, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Robert Porterfield Award is available to students entering or attending a graduate theatre program. You must be graduating from or currently attending an academic institution in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia to be eligible for this award. View Scholarship Details |
Marian A. Smith Scholarship AwardSoutheastern Theatre Conference, Inc. |
award $1,500 |
deadline April 15, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Marian A. Smith Scholarship Award is available to graduate costume design or costume technology students. You must have graduated from an undergraduate institution in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia or West Virginia to be eligible for this award. You must provide a... View Scholarship Details |
Florida Supervisors of Elections ScholarshipFlorida Supervisors of Elections, Inc. |
award $1,200 |
deadline March 07, 2027 |
DescriptionThe Florida Supervisors of Elections Scholarship is available to junior and senior students who are majoring in political science, public / business administration, or journalism / mass communications at an institution within the state of Florida. You must be a resident of Florida for two years, be a registered voter, and have at least a "C"... View Scholarship Details |
Intel PhD Fellowship ProgramIntel Foundation |
award Varies |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Intel PhD Fellowship Program is open to PhD candidates at select U.S. universities who are working in fields related to Intel's business and research interests. The one - year fellowship includes a cash award, equipment with Intel architecture, an Intel mentor, and the opportunity to conduct research or an internship at Intel. View Scholarship Details |
Florida First Generation Matching GrantFlorida Department of Education |
award Varies |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Florida First Generation Matching Grant is available to undergraduate students who are residents of Florida. To be considered for this award, you must be a first generation college student and enroll in a postsecondary public institution within Florida. View Scholarship Details |
Wellington Chen, M.D. Student Healthcare ScholarshipGulf Coast Community Foundation |
award Varies |
deadline March 05, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Wellington Chen, M.D. Student Healthcare Scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors from communities served by the GCCFV (Sarasota, Lee and Charlotte counties). You must be a full- time student majoring in a health care field at a Florida school, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, be a U.S. citizen, and demonstrate financial need to be... View Scholarship Details |
Richard M. Morrison, M.D. Student Healthcare ScholarshipGulf Coast Community Foundation |
award Varies |
deadline March 05, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Richard M. Morrison, M.D. Student Healthcare Scholarship is available to students from communities served by the GCCFV (Sarasota, Lee and Charlotte counties). You must be majoring in nursing (registered or licensed practical), medicine or pre- medicine, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, and have an avowed interest in working in the backpack service... View Scholarship Details |
Mark and Molly Yates ScholarshipGulf Coast Community Foundation |
award Varies |
deadline March 05, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Mark and Molly Yates Scholarship is available to undergraduate and graduate students from communities served by the GCCFV (Sarasota, Lee and Charlotte counties). You must be a full-time student, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, be a U.S. citizen, attend a post-secondary school in Florida, and demonstrate financial need to be eligible for this award. View Scholarship Details |