Student Life

No Plans for Spring Break? Look No Further for Ideas

A college student suggests 17 spring break ideas. Including 8 super productive ideas and 9 unique spring break opportunities.

Student Contributor, Mary Bellm

January 28, 2021

No Plans for Spring Break? Look No Further for Ideas
There's no right way to spend your spring break!
As a student, what’s the best thing to see on the calendar? “Break!” Spring break has been a great relaxation period for a long time, and this year, it shouldn’t be any different! When the weather warms up, be sure to make some Spring Break plans using the ideas below!

Want to be productive?

  1. Eliminate the Extra Stuff.
  2. I know we all accumulate some…clutter as college students, so if you’re headed home for a weeklong break, take some of your winter gear, extra clothes, or old textbooks if you’re driving. Flying home? You might want to limit it to some winter gear, like sweaters, you won’t need.
  3. Look for internships!
  4. Fastweb is a great resource for finding internships! Use their internship section to find an internship based off company or distance from the location you have identified in your Fastweb profile.
  5. Organize.
  6. When I get to spring break, I have no clue what’s in my backpack, my desk is a mess, and I’ve lost a shoe in the depths of my closet.
    Take a few hours to go through your backpack (and maybe vacuum or wash it, if possible), de-clutter your desk, and make a to-do list for when you’re back on campus. If you’ll be in quarantine before you head home, you could knock out this cleaning out early.
  7. Make Storage Room.
  8. Are you seeing that little icon saying, “your device is getting full?” Delete photos you don’t need (I’m looking at you, photo of the teacher office hours from two years ago!), weed through unneeded school documents, and look at your social media. Consider unfollowing some people or cleaning up your profiles.
  9. Take a technology break.
  10. This suggestion is in contradiction to the one above—I know—but it’s important! Set limits for yourself over spring break and feel better. Reading tangible books, being present while outside, or even coloring and cooking are great ways to give your eyes, mind and your electronics a break.
  11. Dust off your resume
  12. If you’ll be applying for a job or internship any time soon, how about hunting down a copy of your resume? It can’t hurt to update dates or employer information—or, revamp the whole thing. If you need help, look no further than some cover letter and resume tips from Fastweb!
  13. Volunteer your time.
  14. Volunteer work can be local, by assisting neighbors if they need a babysitter for their kids, work outside, or you can do an alternative spring break and assist other organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity.
  15. Traveling is possible.
Travel to see relatives if you safely can! I’m sure they would love to see you. If not, you could give them a phone call or Zoom/Facetime to see their faces. We have all missed out on seeing each other, so if you’re able to use this downtime to reconnect, that’s a win in my book.

Want to be less productive over break?

If you’re not one for over productivity on your spring break, consider some unique plans.
  1. Attempt a new routine.
  2. A morning and night routine can really benefit everyone, especially college students. If a morning or night routine just isn’t your thing, you can try to incorporate something like yoga, eating breakfast, meditation, or reading into your day.
  3. Movie night, anyone?
  4. Use the time off to have a movie night, whether in person or online! A Netflix party, Skype, DisneyPlus or Hulu group watch, are all viable options! I’ve even seen some pretty cool projectors that you could use for a movie night if you have a backyard or a blank wall.
  5. Experience new music!
  6. Find new music through Spotify, Pandora, or YouTube. Or you could go to a live music event if it has social distancing in place—if that’s more your thing. You could also attend a digital concert or digital music event!
  7. Research travel opportunities.
  8. Pick up some books on places you’d like to travel to or learn more about. Doing a bit of light research about places you want to travel to, can be a great way to prepare for your summer break.
  9. Go on a virtual tour.
  10. Can’t go see places in person? Try a virtual tour of a local (or a not so local) museum or art gallery! You could also do some investigating on Google Maps with Street View, or YouTube some foreign countries that you’ve wanted to see.
  11. Learn something new with a class.
  12. In-person cooking classes might be off the menu—for now—but that doesn’t mean other classes won’t be happening! Dance or exercise classes, DIY classes, and more are still an option if you want to learn something new. SkillShare is another great option for digital creative learning.
  13. Have a painting day.
  14. Have some fun with painting tutorials with your friends! Together or apart, an artist hangout can be a great stress reliever, and you have something new to hang on your wall!
  15. Go on a shopping trip.
  16. If you have bit of extra money, it won’t hurt to head to the store if you’ve got the urge to shop! Online shopping is a people-free alternative, but sometimes you just must try on some things, like shoes.
  17. Have a restaurant date night.
This one can be in-person dining or takeout via GrubHub, Door Dash, or just plain and simple call and carry out! If you want to treat yourself and your significant other, family member(s), or a friend to a nice meal, try a restaurant “date” with them and catch up on what you’ve missed while you’ve been busy at school. Don’t worry if your spring break plans are for just that...a break! If it involves some movie watching or spending time with your family to recharge your batteries—there's no right way to spend your Spring Break.

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