Student Life

Top Party Schools throughout History: 1993-2015

Elizabeth Hoyt

September 03, 2014

Top Party Schools throughout History: 1993-2015
Times change and, apparently, colleges do, too.
Each August, there are students excitedly wait in anticipation to discover which school was crowned the year’s top party school by The Princeton Review. Other students animatedly vocalize their resentment for the mere existence of such a list. Then, of course, there are the college administrators, who anxiously await in anticipation of the listings, which will likely impact whether or not they will need to launch an extensive PR campaign highlighting the school’s academic image.
These three examples (though, there are many more opinions) demonstrate the impact that the Princeton Preview’s party school rankings (and other rankings, too) have across audiences – whether the audiences like it or not. Each year, it’s easy to find the winner. But, it isn't so easy to find a complete listing of the history of the declared top party schools.
Luckily, the Huffington Post sifted through old sites and news to compile a list. A couple notable items regarding the history of the top party schools: • This year, Syracuse University (2015) made history by becoming the first private college to take the top party school spot since Tulane University in 1993.
• Times change and, apparently, colleges do, too. The University of Rhode Island may have reigned from 1994-1996, but it’s no longer even on the top 10 list – and there are other colleges that hold similar spots on the list.
Count back the Princeton Review’s top party schools throughout history, starting from 1993:
1993: Tulane University of Louisiana
1994: University of Rhode Island
1995: University of Rhode Island
1996: University of Rhode Island
1997: Florida State University
1998: West Virginia University
1999: State University of New York-Albany
2000: Florida State University
2001: Louisiana State University
2002: University of Tennessee
2003: Indiana University
2004: University of Colorado - Boulder
2005: State University of New York-Albany
2006: University of Wisconsin-Madison
2007: University of Texas at Austin
2008: West Virginia University
2009: Florida State University
2010: Pennsylvania State University
2011: University of Georgia
2012: Ohio University
2013: West Virginia University
2014: University of Iowa
2015: Syracuse University

Were you surprised by any of the top party schools throughout the past?

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