
College Rejection Letters and Waitlists: Moving Forward

A college rejection or waitlist letter isn't the end of the world. Read further to see how you can move on.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

December 05, 2024

College Rejection Letters and Waitlists: Moving Forward
How to make a course correction in the college decision process after bad news.
Did you happen to receive a letter from the admissions committee that looks like this? We regret to inform you that your application for admission has been rejected by our admissions committee. Due to an increase in applications and limited openings, we cannot at this time extend an offer of admission to you. No matter how nice – or how cruelly – a college admissions committee informs you of an admission decision that is not in your favor, the result is still the same: crushing. Perhaps you applied to that school that you knew you wouldn't get into. Or maybe it was your top choice, dream college since you were the age of 10. Whatever the case, rejection hurts.

How to Handle College Rejection Letters and Waitlists

So how do you deal with the feelings – and the reality – of receiving an admissions rejection letter?

Allow Yourself Appropriate Time to Wallow

It's true – it's not the end of the world. But it's still upsetting. Allow yourself some time to grieve over what could have been had you received a college acceptance letter to your #1 choice. However, don't let it get you down. While this lesson in rejection cuts deep, it is very likely that you will encounter this type of scenario again in life. Ultimately, it's good practice. How you handle rejection now will help you better approach being potentially rejected from other major life experiences, like job opportunities or a significant social snub.

Prepare Yourself for This Scenario Ahead of Time

This is tricky. You should NOT go into the admissions process thinking, "I'm very likely not going to get into this amazing university so I won't give it my all." You should think the opposite! A positive, can-do attitude can do wonders for your application, admissions interview, and test-taking. In fact, many admissions officers consider that type of attitude when making decisions.
On the other hand, you shouldn't lump all your collegiate hopes and dreams into one basket. You need to diversify your admissions portfolio. Apply to a variety of schools. Set yourself up for success – but also dream a little. Here's how you can do that: • Reach Schools: Identify one or two schools that are the dream schools. The "I don't know if I can get into that school, but I at least have to try" schools. These colleges may be a reach for you academically or financially, or they may be one of those top-tier universities in the nation that receive countless applications with limited space. • Target Schools: Apply to three to five target schools. These are the colleges that you are fairly certain you can get into based on your academic performance, extracurricular involvement and test scores. They're also a great financial fit. • Safety Schools: Finally, safety schools (insert sigh of relief). A safety school is the one college that you KNOW you will get into. Perhaps they have a 100% acceptance rate.

If Nothing Cheers You Up, Know You're in Good Company

If it helps, everyone has been rejected at one point or another. Especially from colleges. While your peers may not fess up to any of their college rejections, some notable people in history have talked about their experiences. According to, Tina Fey and Katie Couric both wound up at University of Virginia after being rejected from their first choice colleges. Fey was hoping to attend Princeton University while Couric was vying for a spot at Smith College. Tom Hanks was hoping to get into M.I.T. or Villanova, but he wound up with rejection letters from both. Instead, Hanks opted to attend Chabot College for two years before transferring to Sacramento State. Steven Spielberg experienced a double whammy when it came to college rejection, as reported by Money. He didn't make it into either UCLA or University of Southern California. After being rejected by both, he attended Cal State Long Beach – but left just before graduation after he was offered a movie deal. Many Oscars, BAFTA wins, and Golden Globes later, Spielberg returned to Cal State Long Beach to complete his degree in 2002. Finally, even future United States Presidents have been rejected from colleges. Harry S. Truman was rejected from West Point – although it was due to his poor eyesight and not bad grades or less-than-stellar test scores. He went on to attend business college in Kansas City but dropped out because he lacked the money to attend. Ultimately, he secured the title of President of the United States without a college degree, states Money. Barack Obama also received a college rejection letter in the mail. Swarthmore denied the future President admission into the school (joke's on them), and he opted to attend Occidental College. He later transferred to Columbia University.

Is Getting Wait-Listed the Same as Being Rejected?

Getting waitlisted is not necessarily the same as being rejected. If you did receive a college waitlist notification, you can't remain in limbo until the university makes a decision. You need to move forward in a few ways.

Getting Wait-Listed

If you are waitlisted, you can expect to receive an email and/or letter from the college admissions office. Below are the actions you should take if you are waitlisted. First, you can accept a spot on the waitlist. This tells the college that you're still interested should they be able to offer you admission. At the same time, you should put a deposit down to attend your second-choice school. Update your wait list college with any pertinent information to your initial admissions application. If your GPA has increased or you scored better on the most recent SAT, let them know. Anything that has improved you as a student should be made clear to the admissions committee. This is also the perfect time to let them know that you're still interested in attending. Lastly, use this waiting time as a chance to consider whether your wait list school is still your #1 choice – or if you're willing to accept a spot at another school. When the time comes to notify either institution, you'll be ready. If you do make it off the wait list (congratulations!), you must notify any other college where you had placed a deposit. You won't get the deposit back, but it's likely worth it to you to wind up where you want to be in the first place.

College Rejection

If you get a rejection letter from the college you have applied to, you should review your college search list. Apply to the colleges you may not have applied to. Revisit your college search list, specifically those you placed within the Safety Schools category. Determine why you may have been rejected. Was it your grades? If so, consider enrolling in a community college to work on your GPA. Once you have your grades at the level they need to be, you can reapply to the college you originally received the rejection letter from—if you'd like to. You may find you'd fit in better at another college in the long run!

Soldiering On After the College Rejection Letter

The old saying is true: things happen for a reason. If you asked any of the above celebrities and politicians if they would have preferred to get admitted into their first-choice college, they would likely tell you that they wouldn't change history. Their stories – as well as countless other unknown biographies – help to show that there is life after rejection letters from colleges– as well as purpose. The journey to and through the college experience molds you into the person you will be; let it take you to surprising places and find joy in what happens next.

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