Archives/Archival Administration
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Matching Archives/Archival Administration Colleges
Simmons University
Four or more years; Private not for profit; $41,872 average out-state tuition; $41,872 average in-state tuition |
San Jose State University
Four or more years; Public; $17,622 average out-state tuition; $5,742 average in-state tuition |
Bennington College
Four or more years; Private not for profit; $58,848 average out-state tuition; $58,848 average in-state tuition |
Scholarships for Archives/Archival Administration Majors
Beatrice Craig ScholarshipSam Houston State University - College Education and Applied Science |
award $2,500 |
deadline August 20, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Beatrice Craig Scholarship is available to juniors and seniors at Sam Houston State University. You must be majoring in library science and/or be a SHSU library student assistant. You must also have a minimum 3.0 GPA, plan on returning to SHSU for at least one semester following, and demonstrate financial need this award to be eligible... View Scholarship Details |
Elizabeth Minutaglia Memorial ScholarshipSt. John's University - Division of Library and Information Science |
award $2,000 |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Elizabeth Minutaglia Memorial Scholarship is available to graduate students at St. John's University who are pursuing a degree in library and information sciences. Selection is based on academic distinction and professional competence in academic service-learning. View Scholarship Details |
UW iSchool ScholarshipUniversity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee - School of Information Studies |
award Up to $6,000 |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe UW iSchool Scholarship is available to graduate students at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee - School of Information Studies. Selection is based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need. View Scholarship Details |
Homer Glen Cowan and Billie Caperton Cowan Educational ScholarshipSam Houston State University - College Education and Applied Science |
award $1,000 |
deadline August 20, 2025 |
DescriptionThe Homer Glen Cowan and Billie Caperton Cowan Educational Scholarship is available to graduate students majoring in library science or educational leadership at Sam Houston State University. You must have a minimum 3.5 GPA to be eligible for this award. View Scholarship Details |
Mildred Lowe Memorial ScholarshipSt. John's University - Division of Library and Information Science |
award 100% of tuition |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Mildred Lowe Memorial Scholarship is available to graduate students at St. John's University who are pursuing a degree in library and information sciences. This merit-based award provides full-tuition for one, three-credit course. View Scholarship Details |
John W. Marino Memorial ScholarshipSt. John's University - Division of Library and Information Science |
award 100% of tuition |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe John W. Marino Memorial Scholarship is available to graduate students at St. John's University who are pursuing a degree in library and information sciences. To be considered for this award, you must be facing hardship or special circumstances. This award provides full-tuition for one, three-credit course. View Scholarship Details |
Francis Augustine Hyland Memorial ScholarshipSt. John's University - Division of Library and Information Science |
award 100% of tuition |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Francis Augustine Hyland Memorial Scholarship is available to graduate students at St. John's University who are pursuing a degree in library and information sciences. This merit-based award provides full-tuition for one, three-credit course. View Scholarship Details |
Studio Museum in Harlem Archives Fellowship-PAIDStudio Museum in Harlem |
award Varies |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Studio Museum in Harlem Archives Fellowship is available to recent graduates and graduate students who are studying art history or a related field. To be considered for a fellowship, you should have be proficient in Microsoft Excel and AirTable, have a demonstrated knowledge working with collections of contemporary art, and a general... View Scholarship Details |
Cherie D. Feenker Law Librarianship ScholarshipUniversity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa -College of Comm. & Info. Sciences |
award Varies |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Cherie D. Feenker Law Librarianship Scholarship is open to graduate students attending the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. You must be majoring in library science and plan to pursue a career in law libraries to be eligible for this award. View Scholarship Details |
Rev. Brian J. O’Connell, C.M. ScholarshipSt. John's University - Division of Library and Information Science |
award Varies |
deadline Varies |
DescriptionThe Rev. Brian J. O’Connell, C.M. Scholarship is available to graduate students at St. John's University who are pursuing a degree in library and information sciences. You must have minimum GPA of 3.4 to be eligible for this award. View Scholarship Details |