Financial Aid

What to Do After Submitting Your 2025-2026 FAFSA

Learn how to make changes to your 2025-26 FAFSA even if you've already submitted the form.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

January 02, 2025

Once you've submitted your FAFSA, you may have questions or changes to the document. Here's what you should expect and how to make edits.
Congratulations! You completed your 2025-2026 FAFSA and successfully submitted the form. But sometimes, families need to put a little more time into their FAFSA application. From quick follow-ups to FAFSA changes, a few housekeeping items sometimes must be completed. Look at the specific circumstances below and learn the next steps in obtaining financial aid.

What to Do After Submitting the FAFSA

Check the Status of Your FAFSA

Once you’ve submitted your FAFSA online, you will receive an email confirming your FAFSA has been processed. It takes about three days for the form to be processed and sent to the college(s) selected. Submitting your FAFSA electronically allows you to immediately check your FAFSA status. If you submit a paper FAFSA, you can check its status once it has been processed, which takes seven to ten days after the date you mailed the form.

Review Your FAFSA Submission Summary

You’ll receive a 2025-2026 FAFSA Submission Summary, a summary of the information you submitted on your FAFSA, typically in late January. Reviewing your FAFSA Submission Summary is important to ensure you made no common FAFSA mistakes.
The FAFSA Submission Summary is broken up into four parts: • Eligibility Overview • FAFSA Form Answers • School Information • Next Steps Unfortunately, the FAFSA Submission Summary will not specify how much financial aid you’ll qualify for, but you will get award letters from the schools you indicated on your FAFSA form.

Eligibility Overview

Within this tab, students can see which types of aid they are eligible for, like the Pell Grant or Federal Direct Loans. They will also see their Student Aid Index (SAI), which replaced the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Students might also see an estimate of financial aid. It should be stressed that these are estimates and not guaranteed financial aid figures. Schools will ultimately decide a student’s financial aid package (these may vary from school to school).

FAFSA Form Answers

Students and other contributors to the form on this tab can see the answers provided. If you need to make edits to your answers, you can choose to start a correction.

School Information

In addition to seeing estimated financial aid figures, students can compare the colleges they’ve selected to receive their FAFSA. They can compare graduation rates, retention rates, transfer rates, default rates, median debt upon completion, and average annual costs.

Next Steps

Finally, the last tab will offer suggestions for the next steps after completing the FAFSA. For instance, some colleges you’ve applied to will require a supplemental financial aid form or additional documentation, and you’ll be notified of this on your Next Steps tab. Other students may have a Next Steps tab with helpful information without to-dos. The point is that this tab will also be tailored to your FAFSA and financial aid journey.

What if My FAFSA Requires Verification?

If you see a note on your FAFSA Submission Summary that says you’ve been selected for verification, it simply means you’ve been selected to verify that the data on your form is correct. It’s not a big deal – some schools may want to verify your information, or you could have been selected randomly. Some schools even verify all the FAFSA forms they receive from students. If you are asked to verify, provide the documentation the school requests by the indicated deadline. Being late may cost you financial aid dollars.

Where Does the FAFSA Information I Filled Out Go Next?

Once you submit your FAFSA form, the information is given to the schools you listed on the application. From there, the financial aid offices at each school will use the information you provided to figure out how much federal student aid you qualify for at their school. Plus, if the school you applied to has additional funding opportunities, they’ll also use your FAFSA information to determine whether you’re eligible for that. The information is also given to your state’s higher education agency, along with any other agencies in states to schools to which you’ve applied. That’s because many states have financial aid funding that they award based on your FAFSA information. Sometimes, states and colleges may require more financial information from your family. In those cases, they will have a supplemental form that you will need to fill out in addition to your FAFSA. If you have questions about whether your state or school requires this, you can contact the financial aid office of the schools that you plan to apply or have already applied.

Make Corrections or Update Information on Your FAFSA

You can update your FAFSA information if your situation changes. You can also update your contact information (your mailing address, email, or phone number) in case that changes.

Where do I make changes to my FAFSA?

You can make corrections or updates to your FAFSA form on the Federal Student Aid website.

Can I Update my information on the FAFSA?

Correcting your form is easier online, but you must wait until your application has been processed. You MUST update the following changes to qualify for the right amount of financial aid: Dependency status – This needs to be updated if you become pregnant or if your legal guardianship changes. If your marital status needs to be updated (and only yours – the student who filed the FAFSA), contact your school’s financial aid office to see if you can update the information. Household changes – IF you’re selected for verification (and only if), you must update your FAFSA to reflect any changes in your household – whether it’s yours or your parents. If your household changes due to marital status (and only yours – the student who filed the FAFSA), contact your school’s financial aid office to see if you can update the information.

Can I Add Schools to My FAFSA?

If you have already submitted your FAFSA, you can still add additional colleges. Here’s how you can add colleges:
  1. Log In from the FAFSA Home Page.
  2. Select “Add/Change Schools.”
  3. Find the colleges you want to add from the “College Search View.”
  4. Select the box next to the colleges you would like to add and click “Continue” to add these colleges to your list of schools.
The new FAFSA allows twenty colleges to be added. However, adding more is possible once you’ve submitted your FAFSA. You must log onto your FAFSA, delete a few schools from your original list, and replace them with those you’d like your FAFSA Submission Summary to be sent to. Note: This will not prevent your original list of schools from receiving your FAFSA Submission Summary. For example, if you applied to 26 colleges, you will enter 20 of those colleges on your initial FAFSA submission. Once you’re eligible to make changes, delete six colleges from your list and add the remaining ones from your list. Ultimately, all 26 colleges will receive your FAFSA Submission Summary.

Where can I make changes to my FAFSA?

You can change your FAFSA form on the Federal Student Aid website, but you have other options, too. If you want to make changes online, log in to your account on You can find a “Make FAFSA Corrections” option on the “My FAFSA” page. Once you receive it, you can also write corrections/updates on your SAR. An address is provided on your SAR so you can mail the correct information. Additionally, your school’s financial aid office may be able to update your form electronically. Contact them directly if you have any questions about changing your form.

How Long Does It Take the FAFSA to Process Updates?

According to, it can take approximately three days for the form to be reprocessed, updated, and sent to the school(s).

When Will I Receive My Financial Aid Award Letter?

Financial aid award letters can be electronic or in paper format. The time you receive your award letters can vary by school. Many financial aid packages arrive in students' email inboxes by February.

How Long Will It Take to Receive FAFSA Money?

You will not receive your Pell Grant or Federal Direct Loans until you have accepted the proposed financial aid award package from the school you will be attending. Any accepted funds will first be applied to your school account to pay for tuition, fees, room and board, or any other college charges. Any remaining funds will be distributed to you via your college’s financial aid office; remember, these funds must be used for educational expenses only. Most students can access additional loan funds within the first few weeks of the fall semester. Remember to borrow smart; do not take out or use more student loan money than necessary—you will have to pay this back! Connect with your financial aid office to get a timeline. Updates and changes to the FAFSA are not only possible; they’re encouraged. Try to complete any changes before your state's FAFSA deadline. By providing the most up-to-date financial information, you’re making it possible for the federal and state governments as well as schools to create a financial aid package that works for you and your family.

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Kathryn Knight Randolph

Associate Content Editor

Kathryn Knight Randolph is the Associate Content Editor at Fastweb. She has 17 years of higher education experience, working first as an Admissions Officer at DePauw University before joining Fastweb. In b...