
Is Studying Abroad a Good Idea for My Student?

If your child is interested in studying abroad, it’s time to do a little research.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

March 29, 2024

Is Studying Abroad a Good Idea for My Student?
Studying abroad can be beneficial to your child’s education and personal growth.
While there is much that can be learned in a classroom, nothing is equal to the lessons that the world can provide. Fortunately, the best of both can be found through studying abroad. Many colleges provide study abroad programs through partner colleges across the globe, giving your student the ability to choose a program that will align with their major and graduation requirements as well as their cultural interests. The idea of your child studying abroad can be daunting, but for them, it will be worth it.

What Does It Mean to Study Abroad?

Studying abroad offers students the chance to pursue their academic endeavors in a foreign country. It can either be a semester- or year-long program, or it can take place over the summer.
Many colleges have long-standing relationships with international institutions whose curriculum aligns with their own, meaning there is no disruption to completing major and graduation requirements.

The Benefits of Studying Abroad

There is a myriad of benefits to studying abroad. For one, it will push your student out of their comfort zone, allowing for new experiences and growth. But that’s just the beginning.

The Opportunity to See the World

Studying abroad allows your student the chance to see the world, so to speak. Throughout their time, they will be fully immersed in a culture that is foreign to them, utilizing their language skills during checkout at the grocery, making a diverse set of friends, and navigating different streets or public transit options. Not only will they experience a new day-to-day lifestyle, but they will also be offered opportunities to travel on weekends or during school breaks. This will enable them to further explore the country they’re staying in or even venture to other nearby countries.

Unique Education Experiences

Through studying abroad, your student will experience an education that may offer perspectives that are different than what they would find at home. This could be anything from the teaching style of professors to the material assigned to the discussions they have with their peers. There may also be different educational offerings outside of the classroom. For instance, an anthropology student may be tasked with visiting the British Museum to investigate ancient Egyptian culture if they’re studying abroad in London.

Experience New Cultures

Even if your child opts to study abroad in an English-speaking country, there will still be culture shock to living and learning in a new place. This type of experience is great for young adults and can oftentimes teach them more than they would learn in a classroom setting. From new foods to transportation to work/life balance, there is a lot your student can try and learn by stepping into a new culture. It will pull them out of their normal routines and perspectives, which is a good thing.

Fully Immersive Language Experience

If your child has been studying a foreign language for the last few years or since middle school, they are likely keen to try it out. It’s one thing to practice with your peers or teacher, it’s another thing entirely to be able to navigate the day-to-day conversations with people who have been speaking the language their entire life. This immersive language experience will make them sharper in their skills and could lead to real career advancement opportunities. A candidate that can speak any foreign language fluently is a hot commodity in the job market.

Gain Independence and Personal Growth

It can be hard to let your child live halfway across the world, but it will be good for them – and you. Ultimately, your child will come home more independent, self-assured, and capable. The experience of studying abroad will better prepare them for life in the real world. While they will be in a school setting and have advisors and resident assistants (RAs), they will still be doing much of their life on their own.

Develop Life-Long Friendships

This opportunity will help your child develop friendships that can stand the test of time – and time zones. Through studying abroad, they will have the opportunity to meet students from all over the globe. Most international students are going through similar circumstances – homesickness, acclimating to a foreign culture, and navigating new classes, professors, and dorms. That kind of shared experience allows for fertile friendship-making grounds.

Build a Global and Diverse Network

With that, your child will have friends from all over the world – literally. They will come home with even more new places to add to their bucket list as they will have to visit the friends they made during their time away. This can also help them as they navigate their post-college life. Perhaps they want to live and work in a foreign country; they’ll have a global network to help them out with opportunities, and a friendly face to greet them when they arrive.

Improved Career Opportunities

Finally, studying abroad could lead to real career opportunities. Employers love hiring candidates who have challenged themselves, tried new things, and learned from these experiences. Your child will be able to draw on their time abroad to highlight different skills they acquired. In a job interview, they’ll have real-life examples to show that they’re self-motivated, adaptable, and confident in themselves and in new situations.

What to Consider When Choosing a Study Abroad Program

There are a lot of factors that go into studying abroad. Fortunately, most college campuses have Study Abroad offices that specialize in helping students navigate their choices and find a program that meets their educational and personal needs.

Cost of Studying Abroad

Colleges do their best to team up with study abroad programs that offer a similar cost of attendance. However, there may be added costs, like transportation and weekend trips that are not typical of your child’s at-home college experience. The best way to navigate the costs of studying abroad is to speak with an advisor at the college your child is attending. They can provide a breakdown of tuition, room and board, and personal expense costs. They can also advise what forms of merit or financial aid transfer to that institution. Finally, just like there are private scholarships to help your child fund their education in America, there are also scholarships for studying abroad.

Choosing a Short-Term or Long-Term Program

The decision to study abroad – and for how long – is your child’s as well as yours. By considering the different programs, countries, and costs, you can find a study abroad experience that works for you. Perhaps a semester abroad is too costly, or your child wants to study abroad but is experiencing extreme anxiety about being gone for four months. You can opt for a summer abroad instead.

Potentially Difficult Cultural Differences

Not everything about studying abroad is fun and exciting. There are difficult moments that your child will have to overcome too – just like in their college experience at home. There are some countries and cultures that are especially different. If your child wishes to pursue a country where that’s the case, you can both do your due diligence to educate yourselves on how to make the transition smoother and thrive in that foreign environment after the first few weeks of culture shock.

Majors That Make It Difficult to Study Abroad

Fortunately, study abroad programs have a plethora of offerings for a variety of majors, making it easy to find a program and coursework that your student is pursuing at home. However, there are some students who worry about making the jump from their home college campus to a foreign country. These are typically STEM majors, or any major that requires much research and lab work. According to Forbes, STEM majors are the most underrepresented fields in study abroad; however, they need to be engaging in these opportunities more as they will likely be creating technologies that impact the whole world.

Is Studying Abroad Right for Your Student?

Only you and your student will know for sure if studying abroad is right for them and their academic and career path. For the most part, no students regret studying abroad. It helps to change how they see the world, which impacts them for the better. If you have questions about studying abroad, contact the Study Abroad or International Office at your child’s college. They will be able to provide you with expert answers, opinions, and options on the best program and path for your child.

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Kathryn Knight Randolph

Associate Content Editor

Kathryn Knight Randolph is the Associate Content Editor at Fastweb. She has 17 years of higher education experience, working first as an Admissions Officer at DePauw University before joining Fastweb. In b...

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