Student Life

Finding the Right Scholarships

Ryan Smith, Student Contributor

December 14, 2017

Finding the Right Scholarships
Read on to discover a few student tips to help you find scholarships that are right for your situation.
Read on to discover a few student tips to help you find scholarships that are right for your situation.

Access a wide variety of scholarships

The simplest way to find scholarships is the Internet. Just search the web for scholarships and a number of scholarship sites will appear, including those on Fastweb. These sites can help you narrow down your searches and find the scholarships right for you. They have so many scholarships all in one place giving you so many options. Some of them the scholarships require very little when applying.

Work for it

To give yourself an edge over students across the country, apply to as many scholarships as possible. There are so many scholarships that go unclaimed each year; you just have to find them. The importance of working hard for these scholarships is that some are brand new, and some have deadlines, you want to make sure to apply for a scholarship before you miss out.
Being lazy is no excuse -- thousands of students apply for scholarships. By applying for as many as possible, you increase your odds of getting some money. Student loans pile up quickly, especially with interest, so even shaving off a portion of the costs can be very helpful.

What's right for you?

There are so many scholarships for so many different types of students; you don’t have to be the smartest nor the most athletic. You could qualify for a scholarship simply for being of a certain ethnicity, or having a family member in the military. Your goal should be to find these scholarships that pertain to your own traits and skills.
Another popular scholarship category is essay contests. Many companies hold contests each year, they give out a prompt and students all over submit essays in hopes of being awarded scholarships. If you are a good writer, or even if you aren't, winning an essay contest could earn you some significant money.

Big and Small

There are scholarships out there that will pay off your whole college tuition or even a large portion of it. However, the smaller scholarships are very important, too. The scholarships offering less money attract fewer applicants leaving it wide open for others. Applying to lots of smaller scholarships could eventually add up if you are awarded some of them. Apply for every scholarship, big and small, and you'll always have great odds of getting even a little bit of money.

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