Student Life

5 Simple Student Stress Relief Tips

Ashley Paskill

March 07, 2017

5 Simple Student Stress Relief Tips
Learning how to handle times of stress will make things seem less daunting.
College can be stressful at times for students. Between classes, assignments, work, and internships, students have a lot on their plate. It can be difficult to juggle so much. However, it is important for students to learn stress management in order to maintain good mental health. Learning how to handle times of stress will make things seem less daunting.
1. Spend time with those you love.
Make it a point to hang out with your friends and family at least once a month. If your campus is far away from home, plan fun events with your roommates once a week to give yourselves something to look forward to. Having something fun to set your eyes on will help you get through a stressful week, knowing that you will be able to get out and have some fun. Surrounding yourself with people who love and support you feels amazing and if you are dealing with something major, they may be able to offer you some advice as to how to deal with it.
2. Take care of yourself.
Eat healthy food and exercise. If you are tired, get some sleep, even if that means taking a nap. Going for a run or doing yoga between classes or assignments can be relaxing, allowing you time to think through things. Listen to your body. If your body is telling you that you are doing too much or you are constantly stressed out, do not be afraid to cut something out. Say “no” if you do not feel like you can handle juggling anything else. While you may feel like you have to do everything all at once, doing so will only wear you down and you will not be able to give 100% at everything.
3. Use a planner.
Write down assignments as soon as you receive them. Write out everything you need to get done and cross them off once you complete them. The act of crossing things off and seeing how much you have done is empowering and helps you feel better about everything you are doing. This also serves as a reminder for the future when you might feel overwhelmed by having a lot to do. Looking back will allow you to see that you have overcome days or weeks that you had a lot to do. Keeping track of things to do on paper allows you to get it out of your brain so you do not have to memorize your schedule and tasks.
4. Listen to your favorite music.
Music is a powerful stress reliever. Listening to music that brings back happy memories will put a smile on your face. Music that is empowering will give you the confidence you need to overcome any challenges you are facing. If you need a good cry, sad music can allow you to do just that, giving you an opportunity to release any negative emotions you may be experiencing. Channeling whatever you are feeling through music allows you to see that others have gone through similar situations and made it out okay and so will you.
5. Be kind to others and yourself.
Do not beat yourself up for every little thing you mess up on. Everybody makes mistakes, so learn from them and move on. You are only human, after all. Compliment yourself and reward yourself for everything you are accomplishing. Being nice to others can also help you feel great. Perform random acts of kindness or even just smile at those you pass. Being a positive person towards others will make you feel good and smiling at others even when you are struggling to do so is proven to help you feel happy!

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