Navigating college fairs can seem like quite an overwhelming task; there are mazes of tables crowded with many people. It can be difficult to know where to begin to experience all a college fair has to offer. However, there are significant benefits from attending and participating in college fairs.
College fairs can provide a lot of useful insight into your top choice colleges and help you to decide which schools to apply for and ultimately attend.
Colleges like to know you’re interested in them. Some colleges track demonstrated interest, which is basically how colleges determine how much students like their school and how likely they are to attend. College fairs are a great way to show colleges that you are seriously considering their school.
Most college representatives at these fairs keep track of who comes and visits their school. When you apply to the school in your senior year, the college admissions systems has an easily accessible online record where they can see that you came and visited their school’s booth, which can possibly give you a boost in your application.
Colleges fairs are also great places to learn more about schools you’re not very familiar with, which can help you cultivate your college list by adding new potential schools you’re interested in and removing schools you feel you won’t be able to commit to.
Make sure to ask some questions while you’re talking to the college representatives so you can learn more about the school while showing your interest. Some good questions to ask about include the campus atmosphere, extracurricular activities, and questions specific to your prospective major.
It’s also a good idea to ask the representative on their thoughts on the college. This can help build a positive connection with the rep. Developing a connection with the rep will help you make a good impression and leave them thinking fondly of you.
College fairs are a great source of information for you to use in your quest to find a college, so be sure to utilize these fairs to your benefit!
Making the Most of Your College Fair Visits

College fairs are a great source of information for you to use in your quest to find a college, so be sure to utilize these fairs to your benefit!