Student Life

Overwhelmed and Overcommitted? Finding Balance as a Student

Don't fall into the trap of being too involved.

Student Contributor, Jessica Ramirez

October 27, 2023

Overwhelmed and Overcommitted? Finding Balance as a Student
Clubs are a great way to show your skills and talents outside of classes. But how do you know if you’re taking too many?
As college admissions get more competitive, students are rushing to get a fill of as many extracurriculars as possible to demonstrate their abilities. However, such a heavy load of extracurriculars can backfire. Read more about this phenomenon alongside tips and other advice down below.

How to Know If You are in Too Many Activities

First of all, what is considered an extracurricular activity? An extracurricular activity is any type of activity outside your traditional classes. These activities could be school-sponsored activities such as debate, soccer, Model UN, etc. However, they could also be non-school sponsored activities such as family responsibilities, volunteering, church activities, etc. After knowing the true scope of your activities, you are able to better assess your overload.
One of the biggest signs that you are in too many activities is the way you perceive these activities. If you begin to view your activities as a chore or task instead of a source of enjoyment, then you might be overdoing it. Likewise, if you see that the time dedicated to activities takes up time that should be dedicated to yourself or schoolwork, then maybe a load of fewer activities is the way to go.

Tips to Lighten the Load

My biggest tip is to recognize your priorities. Clubs that you are not passionate about may be fine for once in a while, but they should not take up a large chunk of your schedule. If you limit yourself to a couple of clubs that you are truly passionate about, you will be able to do more quality work and work efficiently as a leader within these organizations. Remember, the main goal of an activity is to somehow make a difference, whether that be for yourself or members of a community. If you are too busy juggling multiple clubs, it will be hard to make a solid contribution. On another note, it is important to recognize common misconceptions. A lot of students aim to join a large amount of clubs because they believe it will be beneficial in college admissions. However, most colleges tend to not look for quantity of clubs, but rather consistency and quality of work done.
Besides recognizing your priorities, another way to ease the stress load of extracurriculars is through proficient communication. Make sure to communicate with your team and sponsor to make managing the club easier. Communicate with your teachers when you feel you are falling behind, and communicate with trusted ones when you are feeling anxious or stressed. Some students may feel true passion about multiple clubs. If this is you, make sure that you are sufficiently organizing your days. Have a schedule of club meetings, work that needs to be done, and personal events to ensure that a lack of organization does not pile up with the stress load. The most important tip to remember is to take care of yourself. Remember to get a proficient amount of sleep and that you are well-fed. If you are not able to provide your body with the necessary energy that you need in order to manage the many tasks of clubs, you will end up doing great damage to yourself in the long run. Not only are you jeopardizing your health, but you are creating bad habits that will stick to you in your adult life.

Why Should You Explore Activities Before Committing?

As a student, no one is really sure of what they are passionate about. It’s great to explore all your interests, however, it is important to understand that you do not have to commit to everything you come across. When you commit to an activity that you are not passionate about, you lose a lot of your resources. You lose potential that could be spent on an activity that is more enjoyed, you lose time, and sometimes you can even lose money. When you commit to certain clubs, you might lose out on opportunities to join a club that would actually suit you. For example, in freshman year, I joined MedClub because all my friends did. I stayed in that club for three years even though I didn’t like it. Senior year, I decided to drop it and pick up a new club that I would have joined earlier if I didn’t keep myself linked to MedClub.

Why Involvement is Important

While the workload of extracurriculars may seem daunting to many, it is still important to participate in clubs. As a student, participating in clubs helps you transition into the adult world by handling real world issues and taking on leadership roles. Furthermore, extracurricular activities are linked to better communication skills and a higher self esteem. For those who are looking for a college education, extracurriculars play a large role in admissions as extracurricular activities are key to demonstrating character. By being able to work for an idea you are passionate about, colleges become convinced that you are able to contribute to the college community. For those that aren’t looking to go to college, extracurriculars provide you with the skills necessary for the workforce. All can benefit from taking a part in extracurriculars, but like everything in life, there is a limit to how much you can take part in without wearing yourself out.

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