Student Life

Resources to Help You Find a College Roommate

Aggie Kallinicou

March 09, 2016

Resources to Help You Find a College Roommate
There are plenty of tools available to help you find a great college roommate - you just need to be aware of them!
After you’ve decided which college to attend; there are still some big decisions to make. Many of these involve your upcoming living situation, including who you’re going to live with. Finding a roommate can seem daunting at first. However, there are many tools that you can make use of to help ensure that the entire process goes as smoothly as possible. Check out the following four options which can help you find your perfect college roommate:
1. Look online to learn about your college’s policies regarding roommates.
Finding out whether your college randomly selects roommates or requires you to fill out a survey so that you and your roommate are compatible is extremely important. If you’re uncomfortable with random selection, you may want to find a roommate on your own.
2. Utilize Facebook groups.
Most colleges have a Facebook group that is created for students to chat with one another and ask questions about the school. In many of these groups, students introduce themselves and add a short bio for the sole purpose of finding a roommate.
These groups can be a great way for you to get to know your future classmates, make friends before ever stepping foot on campus, and find a roommate.
3. Check out roommate-matching websites.
Many colleges actually recommend that you do this by joining roommate matching websites, creating your own roommate profile. If you’re trying to find a roommate, sites like Roomsurf, will connect you with other users who are going to the same college as you.
Instead of basing your results on which shows you watch on Netflix or your favorite songs, it uses your responses to questions about your sleeping habits, lifestyle, beliefs, etc. These answers are much more beneficial when trying to find someone who you could potentially be sharing a room with for an entire year.
4. Don’t be afraid to say hi!
If you’re browsing a Facebook group or scrolling through Roomsurf and you come across someone who seems interesting or similar to you, reach out! Sending them a message will not seem creepy, I promise. Everyone is in the same boat as you, and one message could lead to a lifelong friendship. Additionally, if your roommate searches don’t end in success, don’t get too down on yourself. This doesn’t mean that you won’t make friends in college or that you’re not interesting. If you’re unable to find someone to live with, rely on your college’s system of matching roommates with each other. In the end, even if you and your roommate don’t get along, there are ways to work with your school to request a change or assist you in finding ways to peacefully co-exist.

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