Student News

300+ Colleges Still Accepting Applications for 2023-24 Year

Change your mind about college? Consider one of these schools.

There are still colleges across the country that are accepting applications.
National Decision Day, which took place on May 1, has come and gone. While most students are urged to make their final college decision by this day, many students remain unsure – or stuck on the waitlist of their first-choice college. Other students may have simply changed their mind about attending college. Whatever the case, students can rest assured that there is room for them at a variety of colleges and universities across the country. Each year, the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) produces a list of colleges still accepting students after National Decision Day. Not only that, but the list also highlights which schools still have financial aid and housing available.

Next Steps for Students

Search for Available Colleges

Students who wish to attend college but have not made a final decision can check the list to see if there are any colleges they’re interested in attending. You can search for colleges using the following filters: • State • Country • Accepting Freshmen • Accepting Transfers • Financial Aid Availability • Housing Availability

Contact Colleges that Interest You

Each college on the NACAC list includes admissions officer contact information for the institution. By reaching out directly to the college, you’ll be able to get real-time information on whether or not they’re still accepting applications and the best way to apply. If you haven’t already filled out the FAFSA, now is the time to complete that as well. You will likely be asked by admissions officers if you’ve completed the form. Without it, they will not be able to award you any financial aid.

Work with a Sense of Urgency

While you may be in luck with college availability, you may not be so fortunate with financial aid and housing. In this case, “the early bird gets the worm.” If you would like to take advantage of available financial aid, you need to complete any and all forms as soon as possible. At the same time, colleges and universities will begin sending out housing forms. If you would like to be able to rank where you hope to live on campus, you need to have your initial applications submitted.

Continue the Search for Scholarships

The scholarship search doesn’t end when you graduate from high school. In fact, it’s just getting started. Remember to keep your Fastweb profile updated throughout your college career. By adding to your profile, you’re increasing the pool of scholarships to which you qualify. There are thousands of scholarships available to college and graduate students. Keep applying, especially this summer as you prepare for life as a college student.

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Kathryn Knight Randolph

Associate Content Editor

Kathryn Knight Randolph is the Associate Content Editor at Fastweb. She has 17 years of higher education experience, working first as an Admissions Officer at DePauw University before joining Fastweb. In b...