Career Planning

The Benefits of College Career Centers

Kathryn Knight Randolph

April 13, 2023

Your college career center can help you find the right occupation or connect you with the right opportunity. What are you waiting for?
College career centers are often under-utilized student services. On college campuses, students are oftentimes so focused on the present that they forget about the future – until it's time to start the job search. Your university's career services are a great resource to utilize the entire time on your campus, not just the last few months. Take a look at the opportunities below so that you can make the most of this service while you're in college.

Benefits of College Career Centers

Alumni Connections

Career centers often have databases of professional alumni, which you can search by major, department, and location. These alumni connections are great points of contact as you begin networking and preparing to enter the workforce, whether for an internship or your first post-graduate job.

Business Cards

Some college career centers will print business cards for their students free of charge or at little cost, so it's worth looking into. These can be costly when purchasing on your own.

Career Aptitude Tests

If you're confused about where you're headed – or if you're headed in the right direction – your career center might be able to help. You can take a variety of career aptitude tests, which will match potential careers to your personality or skills. These tests can give you a better idea of which fields you may be best suited for.

Career Counselors

Your counselor is there to provide you with help and guidance. They are your liaison for everything job-related you may need, so feel free to ask them just about anything! Get to know them sooner than later as they can help you navigate your college career and the transition into the real working world.

Field Trips

For interested students, some colleges will organize field trips to tour industries or companies that are prevalent within the area. If this isn't something that's offered at your college, they may be open to the suggestion if enough students are interested in attending.

Job and Internship Placement

If you're having difficulty finding a job or an internship, your career center likely has plenty of potential opportunities on a job postings board. They can help match you with prospects that are available or keep an eye out for a placement that may interest you.

Online Resources

It's likely that your career center is no longer limited to the walls it occupies! Most have plenty of resources online as well so that students have access to career help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Practice Interviews and Feedback

Practice makes perfect, especially when it comes to something as nerve wracking as a job interview. At your college career center, counselors will hold mock interviews to help calm your nerves and get your questions and answers down pact. You will even get feedback from your counselor; and in some cases, you'll be able to see a video of the entire interview!

Peer Mentors

If you're looking for further career guidance, the career center can provide peer mentors to advise you on which classes to take, what peers have learned, and so on. It can be valuable to learn from other students, so if you feel that it's something you'd benefit from, let your counselor know.

Professional Photographs

When you're creating online profiles and portfolios for your job search, you'll likely want a professional looking photograph. Why pay to get one taken if your career center will take it free of charge? It depends on whether or not your school offers this service, but it's certainly worth checking into!

Guest Speakers and Workshops

University career services will often host guest speakers to come and talk to students about potential opportunities within industries or roles. They also host different workshops, such as resumes and cover letter writing, social media strategies, and other career-related subjects that may be applicable. Your career center will have a schedule of speakers and workshops listed on their web site.

Resume and Cover Letter Help

Your career counselor is there to provide you with help on your resume and cover letter. While they won't write either document for you, they will help you sort out what should and should not be included. They will also help you edit yours so that it's as polished and professional as can be.

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Kathryn Knight Randolph

Associate Content Editor

Kathryn Knight Randolph is the Associate Content Editor at Fastweb. She has 17 years of higher education experience, working first as an Admissions Officer at DePauw University before joining Fastweb. In b...