Student Life

Setting Scholarship Application Goals

The older you get, the more expensive school becomes. Scholarships provide financial support in your educational journey.

Student Contributor, Lillian Joyner

February 24, 2025

Setting Scholarship Application Goals
Scholarships are a vital part of growing up. The older you get, the more expensive school becomes. Scholarships provide financial support in your educational journey. Besides that, they can even highlight your resume and open up other opportunities. 

How to Get Started

Although winning isn't promised, there are scholarships for just about everything.
The Basics Something that is often overlooked in the scholarship application process is the email you attach. Instead of adding your school email address, add a different personal one, specifically for scholarship submissions. The school may monitor and block certain email addresses, and you may never know if you won!  When applying for a scholarship, many will ask for personal information. For example, your name, your address, and graduation date. A current transcript of your grades may also be added. Some may also ask for your SAT or ACT score or your financial information, such as an IRS Form 1040. Many scholarships ask for letters of recommendations from teachers. You could use them for a number of scholarships. It would be a good idea to plan ahead and not wait for the last minute to collect your letters, as teachers may be stressed out with having multiple to write. To ensure you are described to your greatest potential, ask a teacher that understands you and your work ethic.
Fastweb is one of the best scholarship websites. When signed up, they send you emails for any scholarships that may interest you. They give information about how much it costs to apply, the deadline, the provider, and the details. When looking for scholarships I am interested in, it makes my search simple and efficient.

Repurposing Your Essay Content

Along with the basics of the scholarship application process, repurposing your essays can be handy. There are no strict rules on reusing essays for different scholarships, just avoid copy and paste. Know your audience. Pay attention to the requirements and let the words flow. You can move your essay to fit the theme.
Take Opportunities Taking any opportunity that comes your way makes it sound difficult at first, but the more you do, the easier it becomes. One of the first things I thought of when considering opportunities and scholarships was local scholarships. Talking to a guidance counselor is something that most people disregard. They can list any scholarships from the area and any other advice you may need on this journey.  Something most students may not know is to look into local clubs and organizations for scholarships. International organizations like the Optimist Club and the American Legion offer scholarships. Don't limit yourself to the school you plan on attending. The worst thing you can do for yourself is to have tunnel vision. Explore any and everything. The Optimist Club offers three different scholarships, which include the Communication Contest, the Essay Contest, and the Oratorical Contest. The American Legion offers several scholarships based on your career path. Both have specific requirements to look into if you plan on applying.

How to Stay Motivated Even if You Don't Win

Failure is part of every process. Taking off Pressure According to, over 1.7 million scholarships are awarded to high school students. But, that means only one in eight students receive a scholarship. This may seem discouraging, but there is no reason not to apply for one. The worst that can happen is you don't receive that specific scholarship. Yes, you put in work for it, but life is full of challenges. Don't let a few losses dictate your attitude for the future. Look for new opportunities and reassess the steps you are taking. Maybe you didn't take this opportunity seriously and are now realizing the impact this could have on your financial future. Push the loss out of your mind. Reassess, look for new opportunities, and, easier said than done, stay positive! There are hundreds of scholarships that could fit you. Nothing is wrong with not getting a scholarship, it is only a benefit. Meeting Deadlines If you plan on applying, you must pay attention. Pay attention to the application deadlines for the scholarship. Don't wait too long to apply, either. Always be on the lookout for just about anything. Take responsibility to set reminders for yourself. Scholarships When EAB did a survey on students planning to go to college, ⅓ said the stress is causing them to have second thoughts. The percentage of students that feel stress and anxiety because of their college planning is 48%. This can all be solved by finding the right plan, website, and scholarship(s). Scholarship Websites From the advice of Cole Claybourn on, here are 10 of the best websites for scholarships: Fastweb Scholly GoingMerry BigFuture RaiseMe Appily Niche Unigo Scholarships360 All of these websites have things in common to make them the best. Many are user-friendly, time-efficient, reliable, and have huge selections. Some websites even provide a few essay-free scholarships.

Types of Scholarships

The most common types of scholarships include merit-based, need-based, international, and subject-specific.  Merit-based scholarships are based on achievements such as academic, artistic, athletic, or other. Need-based scholarships are based on the financial status of the student. They prioritize people with lower finances to receive higher education. International scholarships are scholarships for international students who wish to study abroad. They can be based on different needs or talents. They are also highly competitive. Subject-specific scholarships are for students who want to follow a specific career path or subject. They are offered in subjects where there's a shortage of skilled professionals. Top Scholarships to Apply for as a High Schooler The following scholarships are popular for juniors and seniors. Coca-Cola Scholars Program: The Coca-Cola Scholars Program is judged based on academic performance, extracurriculars, leadership experience, and community service. They give out 150 awards yearly and each are $20,000. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program: This scholarship program is directed towards students who have certain financial needs. It offers personal advice on selecting a college, help navigating the financial aid process, and helps with the transition from high school to college. Applicants will be judged based on academic ability and achievement, financial need, persistence, desire to help others, and leadership skills. Students can win up to $55,000. William Randolph Hearst Foundation US Senate Youth Program: The Senate Youth Program is targeted towards juniors and seniors who participate in their high school student government and plan to study history or political science in college. They are judged on their leadership skills, academic performance, community involvement, and extracurricular activities. The winners will win $10,000 and a paid all-expense educational trip to Washington, DC.

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