Work study is a form of financial aid awarded to students prior to completing their FAFSA for every consecutive school year. This gives students the opportunity to focus on their education while earning money towards their tuition by having a part time job.
In order to be given any form of financial aid, it is important that students complete their FAFSA as soon as possible. This way, they receive their financial aid earlier and the earlier the better then waiting to the last minute. However just as financial aid is, not every student will receive the same amount or be eligible to receive work study.
It is likely that if you receive work study you will know the amount depending on the college or university that you have chosen to attend. This document has the information has the financial aid you have been awarded dividing it among the two semesters for the following school year.
The funds received do not go directly to your tuition, but you can opt for either a portion goes to you and towards tuition, you receive all the funds or all of it can go towards tuition.
With work study, the amount awarded is divided among the two semesters which you will work until you have completed the necessary hours. If you finish the hours for one semester prior to the semester ending, then you will not have to work until the next semester. However, the time it takes for you to complete work study depends on how many hours per week you are working. These hours worked can depend on your class schedule and how often your employer schedules you to work.
In order to find a job on campus to complete work study, it is advised you look into the different offices hiring at your college or university. In my situation, during the summer the offices hiring for the following school year send an email to all students informing them what positions are available, who to contact and what is needed in proof your work study.
Shortly after submitting the necessary information, I was contacted to schedule an interview with the department I applied for. Since I have never had a job and gone through an interview it was a bit intimidating. But after the interview and accepting my position, the interviewer gave me pointers and advice when applying to a job outside of work study.
Working part-time for the first time while being a full-time college student may sound stressful but within the past few months adjusting to working and attending class, it is not as bad. Especially being a work study job, the employers are very understanding and accommodating to work around your school schedule with classes, clubs, sports or other jobs outside of school.
This allows me to earn my own money while focusing on my education and paying for my tuition. If you are awarded work study, accept it because not only is it easy to adjust to but it gives you the experience and opportunity for work in reference for future jobs in your career.
Work Study: What Is It & How Do I Get It?

Learn all of the details you need to explore work study options.