Get ready Halloween candy bowl, it's trick-or-treat season. While students craft their 2023 Halloween costume ideas and share scary ghost stories, we cannot forget the ultimate end game: to get the most Halloween candy possible!
Our Halloween candy bags should be full enough to fuel us through student activities, school or college events, and the late-night, finals cram sessions.
Prepare for October 31 by uncovering the most popular Halloween candy of all time. You'll want to stock up on only the best Halloween chocolate and hard candies. Avoid passing out the worst Halloween candy—this type of candy will get sneers from the ghosts, zombies, OR clowns on Halloween night.
All this candy talk has us thinking...If you were type of Halloween candy, what would you be? The results include some of the best Halloween candy and some of the worst Halloween candy. Find out by taking this five-question Halloween Candy Quiz.
Spread the sweet fun, by sharing this quiz with your friends. And, don't forget to let us know your Halloween candy style by commenting on this article—we want to know!
Ghost Stories from the Most Haunted Schools
Group Halloween Costumes and Couples Halloween Costumes
Take this Sweet Halloween Candy Quiz
Chocolatey, fruity, old fashioned? Find out what type of Halloween candy you are.

Candy corn, anyone?