Student Life

Planning for a College Fair

Ryan Smith, Student Contributor

September 19, 2017

Planning for a College Fair
Learn how to make the most out of a college fair.
Choosing the right college can be difficult for some students. This is where college fairs come into play; they will help give you information regarding schools you may or may not be interested in. It's a very good way to learn whether a school is right for you. College helps you gain a lot of much-needed experience, so you should try and pick the one that fits your needs in order to maximize your potential. If you have already determined what you want to do in life, research a school that has a great program for that field. Whichever college you attend, it will shape your future, so don't be too quick to pick which school you want to attend.
Plan Ahead
An important part of the college fair is to plan ahead. Try and avoid wandering around aimlessly for the duration of the event. Before you go, map out a number of colleges which you have interest in. Also, be sure to include colleges you don't know much about. Make sure to visit your top colleges first while looking at your other options last.
Prepare Questions
Have questions prepared in advance. The last thing you want to do is hold up the line because you either can't think of a question, or you have too many questions. Narrow your questions down to about two or three, and make them count.
If you’re having trouble coming up with effective questions, here are some ideas to help you brainstorm. Ask about their activities on campus, what kinds of clubs and organizations do they have? Try not to be too specific with your questioning but make sure you get the right answer. You could also ask about the admissions process, for example, how to apply, required credits, GPA, test scores, etc. If you plan on living on campus, maybe ask about the area. Another important question could be concerning financial aid, costs of tuition are very steep and difficult to pay for, so if you need help paying for college, inquiring about financial aid will be helpful. If you are still unsure of your major you can ask about their most popular majors. Having questions before the event will ensure that you get a better experience.
Best Behavior
Over the course of the fair, be polite and courteous to everyone you meet. If there is a school you are particularly interested in, you can send a follow-up email to the representative you met with. You can ask any other questions you have about the school and they will try to answer the best they can. College fairs are a great opportunity to learn about schools, so be sure to make the most of it.

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