Student Life

How to Have a Great First Day of Class

Osasere Ewansiha, Student Contributor

September 10, 2019

How to Have a Great First Day of Class
Here are some tips that you could try in order to make sure that you have the best first day of school ever!
The worst part about the end of summer is not the end of summer itself, but the back to school ads that signal its end. From elementary to high school, and eventually college, the first day of school can be nerve racking. However bad or good your first day is, it sets up the mood for the rest of the school year. Here are some tips that you could try in order to make sure that you have the best first day of school ever. Hopefully, it sets you up for the best year ever!
1. Set out your outfit the night before
This is a common practice. When you went back to school shopping, you probably put your all into buying the most fly first day outfit ever. Are you sporting a new hairstyle? Make sure that all of the prep and shopping that you did over the summer pays off by organizing your outfit in advance. This will help you take your time in the morning. You will look cool and collected instead of rushed.
2. Try your best to make friends in every class
I’m not saying that you have to befriend the whole student body. However, making one or two friends in each class will pay off in the long run. If you happen to get social anxiety and talk yourself out of interacting, then make sure that a quick, friendly introduction to your desk neighbor is the first thing you do! This will help you establish a relationship with another classmate that you can hopefully depend on for class help or as a group project partner later.
3. Introduce yourself to your teachers
Take the time before or after class to give your teacher a handshake and formally introduce yourself. If you have any questions or concerns about the class, then this would be a great time to ask. Let them know if you’re a relative of a past student! Make a great first impression and establish a connection. You may need to ask for extra help later and those teachers may be more willing knowing that you are invested in the class. In the future, one of those teachers could write you an amazing letter of recommendation. This will make class a more comfortable for you!
4. Relax the night before and get some sleep
This one, though simple, can be hard to do. It is easy to let the butterflies in your stomach take over your last day off and your night. Don’t let it! Kick back, relax, and enjoy your day! Go see a movie or get a pedicure. Try not to think too hard about everything that can go wrong the next day. Get a good night of sleep so that you wake up refreshed on your first day. There will be plenty of time to worry about school when it actually starts. It is not easy, I know, but hopefully with these tips you can take over your school and have an awesome first day. Set yourself up for a good year and good luck!

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